Saturday 8 May 2010

The Fascinating World of Interior Design

I am currently studying for a diploma in interior design to complement my interest in interior furnishings and I have to say it is one of the most enjoyable and interesting subjects I have studied in my time. In the past I have tended to study more academic based courses which have involved the usual pouring over of text books and subsequent essay writing.

The interior design course I am following however, comprises a very different style of learning involving the compilation of mood and sample boards as well as the drawing up of plans and specifications. It obviously requires a creative approach so it is a great way to let my imgaination run wild and express my ideas for different interior schemes, as well as seeing how I can incorporate items such as the handmade furniture from my own collections into the design. I love browsing through the various home and interior magazines to get my initial ideas together and include products from my own contemporary home accessories range into my designs. Following this I then trawl the many fabric and wallpaper shops to gather the necessary samples needed to create my mood boards.

Seeing the finished result come together gives me a great deal of satisfaction both in the sense that not only have I created an interior scheme to suit the required brief, but at the same time I have learned something new as the course is also very practical. It covers topics such as colour psychology, style through the ages and the use of pattern, texture and form in interiors as well as how to draft up specifications for contractors and client contractural agreements.

Whilst I generally think creative people such as interior designers tend to have a natural flair for the subject, the course is teaching me that there are many underlying factors that need to be taken into consideration when designing interiors, factors that a novice decorater would not necessarily be aware of which can have a fundamental impact on the finished result. I am just over the halfway mark in terms of my assignments and I thought it may be interesting to share some of the lessons on my course with you all so keep watching this space................

1 comment:

  1. Naomi Here
    .........I'm going to take interior design and sewing for my senior year in high school, hope it endorses interior designing as one of my career options, Will probably use this site as a reference. :)
