Tuesday 3 August 2010

VAT Increase - What VAT Increase?

When the government announced there was going to be an increase in VAT to 20% in 2011, there was an audible sigh around the country and a slumping of shoulders. It seems no matter which way we turn we get caught and end up having to part with our money in some form or another.

Well if you shop on-line with Anuhya Interior Collection you can avoid the VAT increase, in fact you can avoid paying VAT altogether effective immediately. There is no longer any VAT to pay on any of our contemporary home accessories whether you are considering buying some hand made wooden furniture, decorative wall lights or abstract sculptures.

In fact the vast majority of our prices have been significantly reduced making it even more attractive to invest in some of our unusual home accessories. This will in no way affect our service levels to customers and our prices are still fully inclusive of delivery.

So if you want to make your money go further whilst investing in some interior furnishings view our collection on-line at www.anuhyacollection.com